Handleiding Sencor SMR 131 Walkie-talkie

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3.8 Channel Scan
Your radio can scan the 16 channels to any activity. This allows to
To activate this feature:
a. Press and old the
and button at the same time and
channel scanning will start immediately, with SC displayed
on the screen and the channel number cycling through the
channels. When a signal is detected, the unit will pause on that
channel, while receiving the signal and for a further 3 seconds.
b. Press the PTT button to stop scanning and talk on that channel,
or press the
or button to manually start the scanning.
c. To stop the scanning, press the
button and return to
standby mode.
3.9 Monitor Feature
You can use the Monitor feature to check for weaker signals in the
current channel.
a. Press and hold the
and button at the same time. The
receiving icons “RX” appears on the display. Your handset will pick
up any signals on the current channel.
b. Press the
button to stop the monitoring
4.0 To Lock the Buttons
With the buttons lock you can still transmit (TX), or call the current
channel, but you can not change the volume. To activate this
In the standby mode, press and hold the
until the icon
appears on the LCD screen.
To unlock the buttons
Press and hold again the
button until the icon disappears
on the LCD screen.
5. Auxiliary Features
5.1 Power Saving
Your PMR unit has special circuitry designed to extend the life
of your battery. When the unit is not used for 4 seconds, it will
automatically switch into a low power mode. The Power feature
a signal is detected, it automatically returns to full power mode.
5.3 Microphone/Earphone/Charger Jack
The SMR 131 is equipped with and auxiliary microphone,
earphone, and charge jack located at the opposite side of PTT
Note: It requires a microphone/earphone with a 2.5mm, 3-pole
jack connector and this is not supplied with your SMR 131.
5.4 Using a Hands free kit (Headset)
You can plug a hands free kit into the right
side of your SMR 131 handset. With hands
free kit, by pressing the PTT button to
transmit and talk with other radios
Channels Available 16 Channels
Output Power (TX) 0.5 W
Range Up to 7 Km.
446.00625 5 446.05625 9 446.10625 13 446.15625
2 446.01875 6 446.06875 10 446.11875 14 446.16875
3 446.03125 7 446.08125 11 446.13125 15 446.18125
4 446.04375 8 446.09375 12 446.14375 16 446.19375
5.2 Low Battery Meter Indicator
The PMR can detect the low battery level when battery voltage
goes low. The battery icon will display the low battery status as
When battery voltage at low battery level. The empty battery
symbol will appear at this stage and continue to blink. The battery
icon will continue to blink until it totally drain the battery voltage.
Note: To have good communication, once the battery reach in low
battery level, replace the batteries into new ones.
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Merk Sencor
Model SMR 131
Categorie Walkie-talkies
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 6.78 MB

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