Handleiding Siemens IMPACT DP Hoortoestel

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Children’s safety device
for the battery
This special feature prevents children
from unintentionally removing the
Open the battery compartment to
the first stop to switch off, do not
open the battery door fully.
Instructions and guidance
Using a pointed
tool, push the pin to
the right to lock the
battery door and to
the left to unlock.
e2e wireless
for IMPACT e2e systems
The following section applies to
binaural fittings only.
Your IMPACT hearing instrument
includes e2e (ear-to-ear) wireless
technology. The wireless functionality:
Automatically adjusts both hearing
instruments simultaneously to adapt
to different listening situations
Provides synchronisation of the
hearing instrument settings. If you
change the volume or program on
one instrument, the other is
automatically changed
Your NHS Audiologist can activate the
wireless functionality of your hearing
The performance of the e2e
wireless system could be affected by
electro-magnetic interference, such as
computer monitors or halogen lamp
systems controlled by a switching
power supply. Move away from the
source of interference if you
experience difficulty.
It is possible to connect audio
accessories through an audio shoe.
Ask your NHS Audiologist for details.
Before the audio shoe can be connected
to the hearing instrument the following
steps have to be fulfilled:
Open the battery compartment
Open the audio shoe cover
Close the battery compartment
Attaching the audio shoe
Take the audio shoe
and hook the two nibs
into the small recesses
of the hearing
instrument housing.
Slide the audio shoe to
the inner side of the
hearing instruments
housing until it snaps
into the end position.
Fitting the audio shoe to
the hearing instrument
Removing the audio shoe
To remove the audio
shoe, slide it in the
opposite direction.
With the connected audio shoe, the
battery compartment switch is
disabled and the hearing instrument
can only be switched off with the
push button.
Safety instructions for hearing
instruments with audio input.
The audio input may be connected to
line-operated equipment only if the
equipment fulfils the safety
requirement IEC 65 / DIN VDE 0860.
Audiologische Technik GmbH
Gebbertstrasse 125
D-91058 Erlangen
Represented in the UK by:
With the CE marking, Siemens confirms that this
hearing instrument fulfils all relevant European
guidelines, in particular directive 93/42 EEC of the
European Council applying to medical products.
For the products with e2e wireless 2.0 Siemens
additionally confirms compliance with the
European Directive 99/5/EC (R&TTE) concerning
radio and telecommunications terminal
Our quality management system, certified by an
independent authority, assures consistently high
product quality and reliability to the customer.
According to EU guidelines for
disposal read the disposal
information brochure.
Siemens Hearing Instruments
Alexandra House
Newton Road
Manor Royal, Crawley
West Sussex RH10 9TT
United Kingdom
Email: siemenshearing.shi.uk@siemens.com
Issue 1: July 2009 / JN5165 /Pt No: XXXXXXXX
General notes on safety
Is the instrument switched on?
Is the battery inserted?
Is the battery run down?
Is the battery compartment closed?
Is the sound opening in the LifeTip
clogged with wax?
Hazard of explosion!
Do not use your hearing
instruments in areas where
there is a danger of explosions
(e.g. mining)
Connect the audio input
only to equipment which
conforms with the safety
requirements of
IEC 65/BS EN 60065
Choking hazard posed by
small parts.
Keep batteries, hearing
instruments and accessories
out of children's reach
If swallowed consult a physician
or a hospital immediatley
If infants, small children or
mentally disabled persons need
to wear hearing instruments
ensure adequate supervision
Check the integrity of the
hearing instruments regularly
Consult your NHS Audiologist if
the housing is deformed
Keep the battery compartment
locked. Verify the proper
function of the locking
Batteries contain harmful substances
that pollute the environment.
Do not throw away batteries into
household refuse
Dispose batteries according to
national regulations or return to
your NHS Audiologist
Clean the ear mould regularly to
remove built up ear wax.
Your hearing instruments are sensitive
to extreme heat, high humidity, strong
magnetic fields (> 0.1T), X-rays and
mechanical stress.
Do not expose your hearing
instruments to extreme temperature
or high humidity
Do not leave them in direct sunlight
Do not wear them in the shower, or
when applying makeup, perfume,
aftershave, hairspray or suntan lotion
Do not wear your hearing
instruments when you are exposed
to short-waves, a strong magnetic
field, a high frequency field or X-rays
Do not place your hearing
instruments in a microwave oven
Leaking batteries damage hearing
Turn the hearing instruments off
when not in use to preserve
battery life
Remove batteries when the
instruments are not in use for a
prolonged period of time
Audio adaptor
including plug
In some countries restrictions for
the usage of wireless equipment
Refer to local authorities for
further information
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Siemens IMPACT DP Hoortoestel. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Siemens. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Siemens IMPACT DP Hoortoestel in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Siemens
Categorie Hoortoestellen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 3.6 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Siemens Hoortoestellen
Meer handleidingen voor Hoortoestellen

Veelgestelde vragen over Siemens IMPACT DP Hoortoestel

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Waar staan ITE, ITC, CIC, en BTE voor? Geverifieerd

Deze afkortingen geven de plaatsingswijze van het gehoorapparaat aan en betekenen het volgende: ITE = In The Ear (In het oor), ITC = In The Canal (In het kanaal), CIC = Completely In Canal (compleet in het kanaal) en BTE = Behind The Ear (achter het oor).

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Hoe kan ik mijn hoortoestel schoonmaken en onderhouden? Geverifieerd

Hoortoestellen moeten regelmatig met een droge doek worden schoongemaakt en uit de buurt van vocht worden gehouden. Het wordt ook aanbevolen om de batterijen te vervangen wanneer dat nodig is en om regelmatig te worden gecontroleerd door een audicien.

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Hoe lang gaan hoortoestellen mee? Geverifieerd

De levensduur van hoortoestellen kan variëren afhankelijk van het type en de kwaliteit van het apparaat. Gemiddeld gaan hoortoestellen tussen de 3 en 7 jaar mee. Het is belangrijk om regelmatig controles en onderhoud door een audicien te laten uitvoeren om de levensduur van het apparaat te garanderen.

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Handleiding Siemens IMPACT DP Hoortoestel

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