Handleiding Tanaka THT-2000SLB Heggenschaar

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Operator safety
Always wear a safety face shield or goggles.
Always wear heavy, long pants, boots and gloves. Do not wear
loose clothing, jewelry, short pants, sandals or go barefoot. Secure
hair so it is above shoulder length.
Do not operate this tool when you are tired, ill or
under the in uence
of alcohol, drugs or medication.
Never let a child or inexperienced person operate the machine.
Wear hearing protection.
Never start or run the engine inside a closed room or building.
Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
Keep handles free of oil and fuel.
Keep hands
away from cutting equipment.
Do not grab or hold the unit by the cutting equipment.
When the unit is turned o , make sure the cutting attachment has
stopped before the unit is set down.
When operation is prolonged, take a break from time to time so that
may avoid possible Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)
which is caused by vibration.
Antivibration systems do not guarantee that you will not sustain
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome.
Therefore, continual and regular users should monitor closely the
condition of their hands andngers. If any symptoms of the above
appear, seek medical advice immediately.
If you are using any
medical electric/electronic devices such
as a pacemaker, consult your physician as well as the device
manufacturer prior to operating any power equipment.
Unit/machine safety
Inspect the entire unit/machine before each use. Replace damaged
parts. Check for fuel leaks and make sure all fasteners are in place
and securely tightened.
Replace parts that are cracked, chipped or damaged in any way
before using the unit/machine.
Make sure the safety guard is properly attached.
Keep others away when making carburetor adjustments.
Use only accessories as recommended for this unit/machine by
the manufacturer.
Never modify the unit/machine in any way. Do not use your unit/
machine for any job except that for which it is intended.
Fuel safety
Mix and pour fuel outdoors and where there are no sparks or
Use a container approved for fuel.
Do not smoke or
allow smoking near fuel or the unit/machine or
while using the unit/machine.
Wipe up all fuel spills before starting engine.
Move at least 3 m away from fueling site before starting engine.
Stop engine before removing fuel cap.
Empty the fuel tank before storing the unit/machine. It is
that the fuel be emptied after each use. If fuel is left
in the tank, store so fuel will not leak.
Store unit/machine and fuel in area where fuel vapors cannot
reach sparks or openames from water heaters, electric motors or
switches, furnaces. etc.
Fuel is easy to ignite or get explosion or inhale fumes, so that pay
special attention when handling orlling fuel.
Cutting safety
Do not cut any material other than plant hedge.
Inspect the area to be cut before each use. Remove objects which
can be thrown or become
For respiratory protection, wear an aerosol protection mask when
cutting the grass after insecticide is scattered.
Keep others including children, animals, bystanders and helpers
outside the 15 m hazard zone. Stop the engine immediately if you
are approached.
Hold the unit/machinermly with both hands.
footing and balance. Do not over-reach.
Keep all parts of your body away from the mu er and cutting
attachment when the engine is running.
Keep cutting tool below shoulder level. NEVER operate unit from a
ladder, while in a tree or from any unstable support.
When relocating to
a new work area, be sure to shut o the
machine and ensure that all cutting attachments are stopped.
Never place the machine on the ground when running.
Always carry arst-aid kit when operating any power equipment.
Never start or run the engine inside a closed room
or building and/
or near the in ammable liquid. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
Maintenance safety
Maintain the unit/machine according to recommended
Disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance except
for carburetor adjustments.
Keep others away when making carburetor adjustments.
Use only genuine Tanaka replacement parts as recommended by
the manufacturer.
Transport and storage
Carry the unit/machine by hand with the engine stopped and the
mu er away from your body.
Allow the engine to cool, empty the fuel tank, and secure the unit/
machine before storing or transporting in a vehicle.
Empty the fuel tank before storing
the unit/machine. It is
recommended that the fuel be emptied after each use. If fuel is left
in the tank, store so fuel will not leak.
Store unit/machine out of the reach of children.
Clean and maintenance the unit carefully and store it in a dry
Make sure
engine switch is o when transporting or storing.
When transporting in a vehicle or storage, cover blade with blade
If situations occur which are not covered in this manual, take care and
use common sense. Contact your Tanaka dealer if you need assistance.
Pay special attention to statements preceded
by the following words:
Indicates a strong possibility of severe personal injury or loss of
life, if instructions are not followed.
Indicates a possibility of personal injury or equipment damage, if
instructions are not followed.
Helpful information for correct function and use.
Do not disassemble the recoil starter. you may get a
possibility of
personal injury with recoil spring.
000Book̲THT-210SB̲Eng.indb4000Book̲THT-210SB̲Eng.indb4 2012/10/2215:50:172012/10/2215:50:17
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 3.12 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Tanaka THT-2000SLB Heggenschaar. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Tanaka. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Tanaka THT-2000SLB Heggenschaar in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Tanaka
Model THT-2000SLB
Categorie Heggenscharen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 3.12 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Tanaka Heggenscharen
Meer handleidingen voor Heggenscharen

Veelgestelde vragen over Tanaka THT-2000SLB Heggenschaar

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Hoe weet ik of mijn heggenschaar bot is? Geverifieerd

Als takken worden meegetrokken in plaats van gesneden is de heggenschaar bot en moet deze geslepen worden.

Ik vind dit nuttig (290) Lees meer

Hoe slijp ik de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Het slijpen van de messen van uw heggenschaar is belangrijk om de prestaties en efficiëntie van het gereedschap te behouden. Om de messen te slijpen, hebt u een vijl of slijpsteen nodig die speciaal is ontworpen voor het type mes van uw heggenschaar.

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Hoe smeer ik de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Het smeren van de messen van uw heggenschaar helpt wrijving en slijtage te verminderen en verlengt de levensduur van het gereedschap. Gebruik een hoogwaardige smeerolie die speciaal is ontwikkeld voor heggenscharen en breng na elk gebruik een kleine hoeveelheid aan op de messen.

Ik vind dit nuttig (91) Lees meer

Hoe voorkom ik roestvorming op de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Roest kan de messen van uw heggenschaar beschadigen, waardoor de prestaties en levensduur afnemen. Om roestvorming te voorkomen, moet u de messen na elk gebruik grondig reinigen en drogen en op een droge, schone plaats bewaren. U kunt ook overwegen om een ​​beschermende laag, zoals olie of een roestwerend middel, op de messen aan te brengen voordat u ze opbergt.

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Handleiding Tanaka THT-2000SLB Heggenschaar

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