Handleiding Teledex A205S Telefoon

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This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules and the requirements adopted by ACTA. On the bottom of this
telephone is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX.
If requested, this number must be provided to the telephone company. The USOC Jack for this equipment is RJ11C.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the
applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug are
provided with this telephone. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. See
installation instructions for details.
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected to a tele-
phone line. Excessive RENs on a telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call.
In most but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that
may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company. For products
approved after July 23, 2001, the REN for this product is a part of the product identifier that has the format
US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the REN without a decimal point (e.g., 03 is a REN of 0.3).
For earlier products, the REN is separately shown on the label.
If this telephone causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that tempo-
rary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will noti-
fy the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you
believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the
operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to
make the necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact Teledex at (800) 794-
8353. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you dis-
connect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
There are no user serviceable parts contain in this equipment.
Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public service
commission or corporation commission for information.
If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line, ensure the installation of this (insert
equipment ID) does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will disable alarm equipment,
consult your telephone company or a qualified installer.
This telephone receiver is hearing aid compatible.
NOTICE: This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications.
This is confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation, IC, before the registration number signifies that
registration was performed based on a Declaration of Conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical speci-
fications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the equipment.”
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the
local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connec-
tion. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of
service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs
or alterations made by a user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telephone communica-
tions company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection, that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone
lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particu-
larly important in rural areas”.
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate elec-
tric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.”
“NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the
maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface
may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence
Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.”
For warranty and service in Canada, please contact:
Williams Telecommunications
5610 Kennedy Road
Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z2A9
Phone: 905-712-4242
Fax: 905-712-1754
Telephone: (408) 363-3100
Internet: www.teledex.com
Mail: 6311 San Ignacio Avenue
San Jose, CA USA 95119
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Merk Teledex
Model A205S
Categorie Telefoons
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.15 MB

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