Handleiding Thane TV-130 FlavorChef Quik Crepemaker

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Helpful Hints
• Please note that the results (browning, crispiness) depend on the
cooking temperature, duration of cooking each crepe and quality of
the batter.
• In all crepe batters, the proportions of flour, eggs and liquid can be
varied to produce a thin, lacy crepe, a sturdier, thicker crepe or an
egg-y rich crepe.
• Adding butter or margarine adds flavor and makes removal from the
baking plate easier. Oil may make crepes stick slightly. Sugar adds
crispness but may make crepes break in rolling. Since dessert crepes
have a sweetened filling and/or sauce, you can use a basic batter
without sugar for crepes you wish to fold or roll.
• Prepare the batter an hour or more ahead of time and allow it to rest
for at least one hour.
The first crepe or two may be lacy or have holes, particularly if the
batter is frothy from blender mixing or whipping.
• If crepes stick to the cooking surface, check the recipe. Recipes using
oil in place of butter or margarine or recipes including sugar can stick
slightly. You may need to wipe the cooking surface with a bit of butter
on a paper towel before the first crepe or between each dipping.
• If your crepes are not as dry or crisp as you like them, allow them to
cook for several seconds longer.
• Stack crepes as you make them. You can keep crepes moist as you
make them by covering the stack with a cloth, paper towel or foil. This
is not necessary for crepes that will be filled and/or sauced and heated.
• Any unused crepes can be stored for several days in the refrigerator or
a month in the freezer. Simply stack a batch on a sheet of foil or waxed
paper and insert into a large plastic food storage bag and twist and
fasten opening, pressing out as much air as possible. To use, allow
crepes to warm up to room temperature. They will peel apart with just
a gentle pull. If you’re in a hurry, the stack can be warmed by covering
with foil on a flat pan in a low heat oven.
Care and Cleaning
1. Unplug the appliance and allow the cooking surface to cool before
2. Wipe the non-stick cooking surface with a damp cloth or sponge
and wipe dry with a soft cloth or paper towel. Do not use any abrasive
cleaning agents on any part of the appliance.
Never immerse the plug, cord or appliance
in water or any other liquid.
3. Clean the batter dish with warm soapy water.
4. Store your FlavorChef™ Quik Crepe Maker in a clean, dry place.
Never store the appliance while the cooking
surface is still warm.
Never wrap cord tightly around the appliance.
Do not put any stress on cord where it enters the appliance,
as this could cause it to get damaged over time.
5. All servicing, other than cleaning, should be performed by an
authorized service representative.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.11 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Thane
Model TV-130 FlavorChef Quik
Categorie Crepemakers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.11 MB

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Handleiding Thane TV-130 FlavorChef Quik Crepemaker

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