Handleiding Vicks V911G SpeedRead Thermometer

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Commonly used for babies, young children, or when it is difficult to take an oral or underarm temperature.
1. Cover the thermometer’s tip with a probe cover and lubricate with a water-soluble jelly for easier insertion. Do
not use a petroleum jelly. Read the label of the lubricant to be sure you are using the right kind.
2. Lay the patient on his/her side. If the patient is an infant, the proper position for a baby is to lay on its stomach
with legs hanging down, either across your knees or at the edge of a bed or changing table. This positions the
infant’s rectum for safe and easy insertion of the thermometer.
3. Gently insert the tip of the thermometer NO MORE THAN 1/2 inch into the rectum. If you detect resistance, stop.
Hold the thermometer in place during measurement.
4. When the peak temperature is reached (usually 10 seconds) 10 beep signals will sound and the “°F” sign will
stop flashing. The temperature is now ready to read and will not change when the thermometer is removed.
NOTE: This method produces a temperature 1° higher than a temperature taken orally.
5. Turn the thermometer off by pressing the On/Off button. If you forget to turn it off, the thermometer will
automatically turn off after approximately 10 minutes.
6. Dispose of used probe cover and wash the thermometer as recommended.
When the thermometer is turned on, continue to hold the button down approximately 2 seconds. The last measured
temperature will be shown in the LCD display with the letter “M” shown under the degree sign for approximately 3
seconds, then unit will shut off.
Clean the thermometer by washing with soap and warm water or rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl alcohol).
Wipe dry with soft cloth.
DO NOT BOIL OR CLEAN IN DISHWASHER. This will cause the thermometer to no longer function
and will void the warranty.
Do not wash the unit with any thinner or chemical solvent.
Battery Life: more than 200 hours of continuous operation. (approx. 2 years if used 10 minutes per day,
every day).
Accuracy in waterbath: +/-0.2°F between 96.0-107.0°F at room temperature of 71°F.
Temperature Range: 90.0° - 109.9°F. If less than 90.0°F an “L” is displayed. If more than 109.9°F an “H” is
Beeper: Unit will beep for approximately 8 seconds when peak temperature is reached.
Digital Thermometer features a long life, mercury free battery. When the “
” appears in
the lower right of the display, the battery is exhausted and needs replacing.
1. Slide the battery cap away from the unit and carefully remove the battery with a non-metallic pointed instrument.
2. Replace the battery with a 1.55V, L41 alkaline or SR41 silver oxide type or equivalent. Insert the new battery
with the positive (+) side facing the display side of the unit.
3. Carefully slide the battery cap back into place, making sure that the cap is secure to protect the battery
compartment from moisture.
4. Properly discard the old battery. Keep out of reach of young children, elderly and pets.
Digital Thermometer is durable and manufactured for a lifetime of normal, household
use. Following directions carefully will ensure years of dependable operation. If for any reason (other than misuse or
normal battery replacement) you are dissatisfied with your VICKS
Digital Thermometer, we will repair
or replace it, at our option, free during your lifetime.
If the thermometer does not function properly, first check the battery. Replace if necessary. If repair is necessary
call our Consumer Relations Department at 1-800-477-0457 or write to Kaz, Inc., Consumer Relations Department,
250 Turnpike Rd., Southborough, MA 01772, explaining just how the thermometer is improperly working. Our
consumer service representative will provide further instruction on how to correct the trouble yourself or will ask
you to return the thermometer for repair or replacement.
k Manufacturing Quality Healthcare Products for Over 75 Years
Kaz, Incorporated • Hudson, NY 12534 • www.kaz.com
Distributed by Kaz, Incorporated under license from The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio USA.
Vicks is a registered trademark of The Procter & Gamble Company.
© 2005 KAZ, Incorporated
Made and printed in China P/N: 31IM911G190
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Vicks V911G SpeedRead Thermometer. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Vicks. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Vicks V911G SpeedRead Thermometer in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Vicks
Model V911G SpeedRead
Categorie Thermometers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.85 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Vicks V911G SpeedRead Thermometer

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Ik heb mijn temperatuur opgemeten, maar wat is eigenlijk een 'gezonde' lichaamstemperatuur? Geverifieerd

Dit hangt deels af van de plek waar de temperatuur is opgenomen. Hiervoor gelden de volgende waardes: Voorhoofdthermometer 35,8 tot 37,6 °C, Oorthermometer 36 tot 37,8°C, Rectaal 36,3 tot 37,8°C en Oraal 36tot 37,4°C.

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Op welke plekken van het lichaam kun je het beste de lichaamstemperatuur meter? Geverifieerd

Dit hangt af van de thermometer. Sommige thermometers zijn ontworpen voor een specifiek deel van het lichaam. Met een reguliere thermometer is rectaal gebruik de snelste en meeste accurate plek om de lichaamstemperatuur te meten.

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Vanaf welke temperatuur is er officieel sprake van koorts? Geverifieerd

Vanaf een temperatuur van 38°C is er officieel sprake van koorts.

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Handleiding Vicks V911G SpeedRead Thermometer

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