Handleiding Winix XLC Luchtreiniger

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12~18 in
12~18 in
Allow 12 ~ 18 in. of space between TVs, radios, and
other electronics
Electromagnetic interference from certain electronics
may cause product malfunction.
Place indoors away from direct sunlight
Direct exposure may cause product malfunction or
Only place on hard, flat surfaces
Flimsy or slanted surfaces may result in abnormal
noise and vibrations.
Allow at least 12 ~ 18 in. from walls for maximum air
True HEPA Filter
Washable AOC™
Carbon Filter
(2) Pre-Filter
(2) Washable AOC™
Carbon Filter
(2) True HEPA Filters
Side Vent
Rear Panel
Front Panel
Button Control
Alexa Setup
Guide /
Wi-Fi Setup
01. Auto Mode Indicator
The LED "Auto" light will indicate when Auto Mode is
02. Fan Speed Indicator
Indicates the current fan speed.
03. Sleep Mode Indicator
When Sleep Mode is activated, the Air Quality
Indicator LED light is disabled.
Fan speed will automatically set to minimum
speed(lower than 'Low') which will be nearly silent.
When Sleep Mode is active, Plasmawave
will be
disabled, but it can be turned back on.
04. Air Quality Indicator
Color coded LED light indicates one of four levels of
Air Quality: Red (poor), Amber (fair), Green (average),
and Blue (good).
05. PlasmaWave
Indicates whether PlasmaWave
is enabled or
06. Wi-Fi Indicator
Enables or disables the Wi-Fi feature.
When in the pairing state, the Wi-Fi LED flashes.
07. Filter Replacement Indicator
LED light indicates when it is time to change the filter.
08. Light Sensor
Detects the amount of ambient light in the
environment. When in Auto Mode, the Light Sensor
detects when to put the unit into Sleep Mode.
09. Power Button
Turns the unit on or off. During the first 30 seconds
of powering up, the Air Quality Indicator will cycle
through Blue, Green, Amber, and Red colors.
Smart Sensor takes approximately 4 minutes to
detect the air quality in the environment before
normal operation begins.
10. Mode Button
Press to cycle through to set the mode of operation
(Auto, Sleep). The unit will default to Auto with
enabled when first powered on.
Auto Mode automatically adjusts fan speeds
according to your indoor air quality. The fan speed
will adjust to low when air quality is good, medium
when fair, and to high when poor.
11. Sleep Mode Button
When Sleep Mode is activated, the Air Quality
Indicator LED light is disabled.
Fan speed will automatically set to minimum
speed (lower than 'Low') which will be nearly
When Sleep Mode is active, PlasmaWave
will be
disabled, but it can be turned back on.
12. Plasmawave
Press the Plasmawave
button when the unit is
on to enable or disable this feature. By default,
is enabled whenever the unit is
powered on.
"When the unit is running, you may hear a chirping
or buzzing sound. The sound is from large particles
passing through Plasmawave
, it is normal and does
not signify product failure."
13. Wi-Fi Button
Press for 3 seconds to activate pairing mode.
When Wi-Fi is paired, press the button to turn Wi-
Fi off or back on.
14. Filter Reset Button
After replacing the True HEPA Filter, use a small
object such as a clip, to press and hold the Filter
Reset Button for at least 5 seconds until the Filter
Replacement Indicator turns off.
1. Remove the front/rear panel by grasping
its upper edge and gently pulling forward.
- To remove the front/rear panel, release
the latch at the lower edge of the panel.
2. Remove the Pre-Filter, then the plastic
bag of filters behind it.
3. Remove filters from protective plastic bag.
4. Install the filters until they fit securely in
03. True HEPA Filter (back)
02. Washable AOC™ Carbon Filter (middle)
01. Pre-Filter (front)
5. After filters are installed, close the front panel.
6. Insert the power cord into an electrical
When to Replace Filters
Filter Indicator Light When to Service When to Replace
Pre-Filter none
Clean once every 14 days
Washable AOC™
Carbon Filter
Clean once every 3 months
Lasts Approx. 12 months
True HEPA Filter
When the Check Filter Indicator LED is on, it is time to replace the True HEPA Filter and Washable
AOC™ Carbon Filter.
Intervals between filter replacement may vary depending on environment.
Filter performance may decrease after each wash and depending on contamination level prior to washing.
Cleaning the Filters:
Use a vacuum cleaner or soft brush to clean the
If it is excessively soiled, rinse in room
temperature water.
Do not use detergent or soap.
Allow the filter to dry for 24 hours or more
before using.
Intervals between filter cleaning may
vary depending on the air quality in the
To clean the Washable AOC™ Carbon Filter,
remove from the unit and rinse under lightly
running room temperature water.
Do not use detergent or soap.
Allow the filter to dry for 24 hours or mote
before using.
Do not use hot water over 104ºF.
Cleaning the Exterior & Interior:
Wipe with a soft damp cloth using room
temperature water.
Afterwards, wipe it down with a clean, dry
cloth. Open the front panel and clean the
interior with a vacuum cleaner.
For optimal performance, clean every 1 - 2
When cleaning the unit, always unplug the
power cord first and then wait until the unit has
cooled down.
Never disassemble, repair, or modify the unit
Do not use flammable sprays or liquid detergents.
Do not allow children to clean or maintain the unit.
Before cleaning or maintaining, ensure unit is
Do not use benzene, alcohol, or other
volatile fluids, which may cause damage or
Model XLC
Voltage AC120V / 60Hz
Power Rate 90W
Room Size
14.6in(W) × 14.6in(D)
× 30.6in(H)
Weight 30.6lbs
Filter X2 / SKU: 1712-0089-03
The exterior, design, and product specifications
may be changed without prior notice to improve
product performance.
Resetting Filter Life:
After replacing your True HEPA Filter, place the Pre-Filter back in and close the Front Panel. While
the unit is on, use a small, thin object (such as a paperclip) to hold the Filter Reset Button for
at least 5 seconds until you hear the beep. After the beep, the Filter Replacement Indicator will
disappear. Your Winix True HEPA is now reset.
Dedicated Call Center:
(877) 699-4649
Website: www.winixamerica.com
Contact Winix for
product related inquiries and
customer service
To expedite service, please specify the model
name and number, the nature of the problem, your
contact information, and your address.
Air Purification means it
removes inanimate particles
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.98 MB)
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Merk Winix
Model XLC
Categorie Luchtreinigers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.98 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Winix Luchtreinigers
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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Haalt een luchtreiniger ook regulier stof uit de lucht? Geverifieerd

Ja, luchtreinigers halen ook het stof uit de lucht dat anders door middel van schoonmaken verwijderd wordt. Per luchtreiniger kan het verschillen tot welk formaat stof uit de lucht gehaald wordt.

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Handleiding Winix XLC Luchtreiniger

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