Handleiding Armytek Prime C2 Zaklamp

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Thank you for choosing the products of Armytek Optoelectronics Inc., Canada.
Please read this manual carefully before using the flashlight.
Prime A1
Prime A2
Prime C1
Prime C2
LED / Optics
Cree XM-L2 / TIR
Brightness stabilization type
FULL stabilization (constant brightness)**
Light output, LED / OTF lumens*
450 / 370
620 / 500
500 / 400
1200 / 1050
Peak beam intensity, candelas
20°/ 80°
Beam distance*
110 meters
130 meters
111 meters
188 meters
Hotspot diameter at 100 meters
35 meters
Modes and runtimes (measured for
Sanyo Eneloop AA 2000 mAh /
Armytek CR123A 1500 mAh / Armytek
18650 Li-Ion 3100 mAh to the
decrease to 10% of initial brightness)
Firefly1: 0.15 lm / 90d
Firefly2: 1.7 lm / 200h
Main1: 10 lm / 25h
Main2: 70 lm / 3h
Main3: 210 lm / 1.2h
Max: 370 lm / 30min
Firefly1: 0.15 lm / 130d
Firefly2: 1.7 lm / 300h
Main1: 10 lm / 48h
Main2: 70 lm / 9.5h
Main3: 210 lm / 2.5h
Max: 500 lm / 1h
Firefly1: 0.15 lm / 130d
Firefly2: 1.7 lm / 300h
Main1: 10 lm / 40h
Main2: 70 lm / 5h
Main3: 210 lm / 2h
Max: 400 lm / 35min
Firefly1: 0.2 lm / 100d
Firefly2: 2 lm / 18d
Main1: 35 lm / 48h
Main2: 200 lm / 9h
Main3: 420 lm / 3.8h
Max: 1050 lm / 1.5h
Power source
1xAA /
1x14500 Li-Ion
1x18350 Li-Ion /
1xR123 Li-Ion/1xСR123A
1x18650 Li-Ion /
2xCR123A/2xR123 Li-Ion
Length 98mm,
body diameter 24.5mm
Length 144mm,
body diameter 24.5mm
Length 82mm,
body diameter 24.5mm
Length 113mm,
body diameter 24.5mm
Weight (w/o batteries)
We recommend to use Sanyo Eneloop AA rechargeable batteries instead of ordinary AA batteries to obtain higher brightness
and longer runtimes. We highly recommend NOT to use CR123A batteries as a power source for often and continuous
flashlight’s operation. Remember that old or low-quality disposal batteries can be damaged under heavy load and explode.
Armytek Optoelectronics Inc. is a Canadian manufacturer that produces powerful and reliable flashlights designed especially for your
needs applying in them components made in the USA and Japan. .10 years no-hassle warranty
§ Superb light of amazing constant brightness due to powerful electronics and active temperature control without timers
§ Efficient TIR-optics and no “tunnel vision” effect even after continuous use
§ Warning Indication of low battery level and high temperature
§ Side switch for comfortable one-hand operation and easy modes switching
§ Ultra low current drain in OFF-state - more than 25 years
§ Removable clip, comfortable holster and possibility of tail-stand for multipurpose use
§ Compact and light-weight flashlight of guaranteed durability stands up harsh impacts and falling from 10 meters
§ Total protection from water, dirt and dust penetration - flashlight continues to work even at the depth of 10 meters
* Light outputs for flashlights with Warm light are about 7% less, beam distances are about 3% less.
** C2: in Max mode stabilization is DIGITAL, in all other modes - FULL.
Armytek Optoelectronics Inc. shall not be liable for any harm done to the user if it
was caused by improper use of the product.
1. Always follow the instructions from this manual and recommendations on battery usage.
2. Apply only the recommended power sources.
3. Do not reverse battery polarity.
4. Do not use different power sources together, i.e. old ones with new ones, charged with
discharged. Do not use different types of batteries combined as the element with less
capacity can be damaged.
5. Do not modify or recast the flashlight and its components as it will deprive you of the
6. Do not allow water or any other liquid to leak into the flashlight.
7. Do not aim a turned-on flashlight at people's or animals' eyes – it can cause temporary
8. Do not allow children to use the flashlight without your assistance.
Care and Storage
It is recommended to clean the threads and O-rings off dirt and old grease. Remember that secure protection from water and dust
cannot be provided by worn out sealing. And fouling as well as lack of lubricant cause fast wear-out of threads and sealing rings.
To clean the threads do the following:
1. Unscrew the tailcap and remove the sealing ring carefully with a toothpick (do not use sharp metal things as they can damage the
2. Wipe the sealing ring thoroughly with a soft cloth (or tissue). Do not use solvents. If the sealing ring is worn out or damaged
replace it by a new one.
3. Clean the metal threads with a brush using ethanol. Be careful not to allow applied liquid to get inside the flashlight or tailcap as it
can cause fails in functionality of the flashlight.
After cleaning lubricate the thread and the sealing ring with polyalphaolefin-based silica grease, e.g. Nyogel 760G.The application of
automotive and other improper grease can cause swelling and damage of the sealing rings.
In case of active operation and exploitation in dusty environments, it is recommended to perform cleaning and lubricating of the parts
as often as required, even if it is more than twice a year.
Service and Warranty
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Armytek provides free warranty repair for 10 years from the purchase.
Warranty doesn't cover damage caused by:
1. Improper usage.
2. Attempts to modify or repair the flashlight by nonqualified specialists.
3. Longtime application in chlorinated or polluted water, or other liquids (other than water).
4. High temperatures and chemicals' exposure (including the exposure of liquid from defected batteries).
5. Usage of low-quality batteries.
Armytek Optoelectronics Inc.
Web: www.armytek.com Email: [email protected]
Address: 67 Vandervoort Dr, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4E 0C7, Canada
C2 only: With ambient temperature +25°C the flashlight delivers light in Maximum mode for about 8-10 minutes and then the
brightness steps down to the Main3 mode. 40-60 seconds afterwards the brightness increases to the Maximum mode again. This
stepping goes cyclically to maintain the user's safety and the flashlight's functionality. In the conditions of good air-cooling the
flashlight delivers constant light even in Maximum mode. It does not use timers, but real active temperature measurements.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.42 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Armytek Prime C2 Zaklamp. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Armytek. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Armytek Prime C2 Zaklamp in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Armytek
Model Prime C2
Categorie Zaklampen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.42 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Armytek Prime C2 Zaklamp

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Er is een batterij in mijn apparaat gaan oxideren, kan ik het nog veilig gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Ja, het apparaat kan nog veilig gebruikt worden. Verwijder eerst de geoxideerde batterij. Doet dit niet met blote handen. Reinig daarna het batterijcompartiment met een wattenstaafje gedipt in azijn of citroensap. Laat het drogen en doe nieuwe batterijen in het apparaat.

Ik vind dit nuttig (104) Lees meer

Wat is lumen? Geverifieerd

Lumen is een meeteenheid voor de totale hoeveelheid zichtbaar licht die een lichtbron naar alle kanten uitstraalt.

Ik vind dit nuttig (71) Lees meer


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Handleiding Armytek Prime C2 Zaklamp

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