Handleiding Eltako WSZ15DE-32A Energiemeter

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Single-phase energy meter
WSZ15DE-32A without MID
Temperature at mounting location:
-20°C up to +55°C.
Storage temperature: -25°C up to +70°C.
Relative humidity:
annual average value <75%.
28 032 615 - 1
Only skilled electricians may install this
electrical equipment otherwise there is
the risk of re or electric shock!
Maximum current 32 A. Standby loss 0.4 watt
Modular device for DIN-EN 60715 TH35 rail
mounting. 1 module = 18mm wide and 58mm
Accuracy class B (1%). With S0 interface.
This single-phase energy meter measures
active energy by means of the current between
input and output. The internal power con-
sumption of 0.4 watt active power is neither
metered nor indicated. Like all meters without
declaration of conformity (e.g. MID), this meter
is not permitted for billing.
Every 30 seconds, the display switches for
5 seconds from the accumulated active energy
in kWh to the momentary consumption in
1 phase conductor with a max. current up to
32 A can be connected.
If the anticipated load exceeds 50%, main-
tain an air gap of ½ pitch unit to the devices
mounted adjacently.
If necessary, use spacer DS12.
The inrush current is 20 mA.
The display can only be read when the power
supply is on. However, the consumption is
saved to a non-volatile memory and is dis-
played immediately after power restoration.
Two N terminals for secure cross wiring of
several counters.
The digital display has 7 digits. Two decimal
places are indicated up to 99999.99 kWh.
Above 100000.0 kWh there is only one decimal
Power consumption is shown by a bar ashing
at a rate of 1000 times per kWh.
Error message
In case of a wrong connection, a LED is blinking
on the display.
Typical connection
Technical data
Rated voltage 230 V, 50 Hz,
Extended range -2O%/+15%
Reference current
5 (32) A
(Limiting current
Internal consumption 0.4 W
Active power
Display active power LC display
7 digits,therefrom
1 or 2 digits after
the decimal point
Accuracy class ±1% B
Inrush current according 2O mA
to accuracy class B
Operating temperature -25/+55°C
Interface potential free by opto-coupler,
max. 30 V DC/2O mA
and min. 5 V DC,
pulse interface S0 according
to DIN EN 62053-31,
impedance 100 ohms,
pulse length 30 ms,
2000 Imp./kWh
Must be kept for later use!
We recommend the housing for
operating instructions GBA14.
Eltako GmbH
D-70736 Fellbach
Technical Support English:
+49 711 94350025
50/2020 Subject to change without notice.
Protection degree lP50 for mounting
in distribution
cabines with
protection class IP51
Maximum L terminals 16 mm
conductor N and SO terminals
cross section
6 mm
Recommended torque
L terminals 1,5 Nm
(max. 2,0 Nm)
N and S0 terminals 0,8 Nm
(max. 1,2 Nm)
Mechanical class M1
environmental conditions
Electromagnetic class E2
environmental conditions
The carrying capacity of cables and wires is dened in
DIN VDE 0298-4.
The torques for screw terminals are mentioned in DIN
EN 60999-1.
To avoid damages at the energy meter, the recom-
mended torque values for each terminal must not be
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.04 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Eltako WSZ15DE-32A Energiemeter. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Eltako. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Eltako WSZ15DE-32A Energiemeter in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Eltako
Model WSZ15DE-32A
Categorie Energiemeters
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.04 MB

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Handleiding Eltako WSZ15DE-32A Energiemeter

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