Handleiding Makita BUH550 Heggenschaar

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Insert it fully until the red part cannot be seen. If not, it
may accidentally fall out of the tool, causing injury to
you or someone around you.
Do not use force when inserting the battery adapter. If
the adapter does not slide in easily, it is not being
inserted correctly.
The way of removing or installing a battery cartridge
from or on the battery adapter is the same as that of
removing or installing it from or on the tools.
Press down the hook securely as far as it will go when
the battery adapter is hooked on the waist belt and
similar objects.
Arm cord hook (Accessory)
Do not attach the holder of arm cord hook to other than
the extension cord. Do not attach it in a position closer
to the tool beyond the hook complete hooks. Failure to
do so may cause an accident or personal injury.
Attach firmly one hook of the hook complete to the
tool’s cord and the other hook of hook complete to the
extension cord. Working with the tool with a sole hook
only attached may cause an accident and injury.
Using the arm cord hook helps to minimize a risk of
cutting off the extension cord unexpectedly caused by the
loose extension cord. (Fig. 7)
Attach firmly the arm cord hook placing around your arm
and pass the extension cord through the holder. The
length of the arm cord hook band is adjustable.
Do not pass the extension cord through the band.
Do not force the opening of the holder. Failure to do so
may cause deflection and damage to it.
Be careful not to accidentally contact a metal fence or
other hard objects while trimming. The blade will break
and may cause serious injury.
Overreaching with a hedge trimmer, particularly from a
ladder, is extremely dangerous. Do not work from
anything wobbly or infirm. (Fig. 8)
Do not attempt to cut branches thicker than 10 mm
diameter with this trimmer. These should first be cut with
shears down to the hedge trimming level.
Do not cut off dead trees or similar hard objects.
Failure to do so may damage the tool. (Fig. 9)
Hold the trimmer with both hands and pull the switch
trigger A or B and then move it in front of your body.
(Fig. 10)
As a basic operation, tilt the blades towards the trimming
direction and move it calmly and slowly at the speed rate
of 3 - 4 seconds per meter. (Fig. 11)
To cut a hedge top evenly, it helps to tie a string at the
desired hedge height and to trim along it, using it as a
reference line. (Fig. 12)
Attaching the chip receiver (accessory) on the tool when
trimming the hedge straight can avoid cut off leaves’ being
thrown away. (Fig. 13)
Rotate the handle for your easy handling before
operation. Refer to the section titled “Handle mounting
To cut a hedge side evenly, it helps to cut from the bottom
upwards. (Fig. 14)
Trim boxwood or rhododendron from the base toward the
top for a nice appearance and good job.
Installing or removing chip receiver
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and the
battery cartridge is removed before installing or
removing chip receiver.
When replacing the chip receiver, always wear gloves
so that hands and face does not directly contact the
blade. Failure to do so may cause personal injury.
Always be sure to remove the blade cover before
installing the chip receiver.
The chip receiver receives cut-off leaves and alleviates
collecting thrown-away leaves. This can be installed on
either side of the tool. (Fig. 15)
Press the chip receiver on the shear blades so that its slits
overlap with the nuts on the shear blades. At this time,
make sure that the chip receiver does not contact branch
catcher at the top of the shear blades. (Fig. 16)
At this time, the chip receiver needs to be installed so that
its hooks fit into grooves in the shear blade unit. (Fig. 17)
To remove the chip receiver, press its lever on both sides
so that the hooks are unlocked. (Fig. 18)
The blade cover (standard equipment) cannot be
installed on the tool with the chip receiver being
installed. Before carrying or storing, uninstall the chip
receiver and then install the blade cover to avoid blade
Check the chip receiver for secure installment before
Never try to uninstall the chip receiver by an excessive
force with its hooks locked in the blade unit grooves.
Using the excessive force may damage it.
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and the
battery cartridge is removed before attempting to
perform inspection or maintenance.
Cleaning the tool
Clean out the tool by wiping off dust with a dry or soap-
dipped rag.
Never use gasoline, benzine, thinner, alcohol or the
like. Discoloration, deformation or cracks may result.
Blade maintenance
Smear the blade before and once per hour during
operation using machine oil or similars.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.68 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Makita
Model BUH550
Categorie Heggenscharen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.68 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Makita Heggenscharen
Meer handleidingen voor Heggenscharen

Veelgestelde vragen over Makita BUH550 Heggenschaar

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Hoe weet ik of mijn heggenschaar bot is? Geverifieerd

Als takken worden meegetrokken in plaats van gesneden is de heggenschaar bot en moet deze geslepen worden.

Ik vind dit nuttig (290) Lees meer

Hoe slijp ik de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Het slijpen van de messen van uw heggenschaar is belangrijk om de prestaties en efficiëntie van het gereedschap te behouden. Om de messen te slijpen, hebt u een vijl of slijpsteen nodig die speciaal is ontworpen voor het type mes van uw heggenschaar.

Ik vind dit nuttig (197) Lees meer

Hoe smeer ik de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Het smeren van de messen van uw heggenschaar helpt wrijving en slijtage te verminderen en verlengt de levensduur van het gereedschap. Gebruik een hoogwaardige smeerolie die speciaal is ontwikkeld voor heggenscharen en breng na elk gebruik een kleine hoeveelheid aan op de messen.

Ik vind dit nuttig (91) Lees meer

Hoe voorkom ik roestvorming op de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Roest kan de messen van uw heggenschaar beschadigen, waardoor de prestaties en levensduur afnemen. Om roestvorming te voorkomen, moet u de messen na elk gebruik grondig reinigen en drogen en op een droge, schone plaats bewaren. U kunt ook overwegen om een ​​beschermende laag, zoals olie of een roestwerend middel, op de messen aan te brengen voordat u ze opbergt.

Ik vind dit nuttig (55) Lees meer
Handleiding Makita BUH550 Heggenschaar

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