Handleiding PC Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Wild!

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the volume of the speaker, and turn it off or on. Adding speakers throughout the length
of a track ride, or along the path of a themed area allows you to give your park a more
immersive feel, and a higher park rating.
Passport Stations
Listed among the Path Extras is an element called Passport Stations. Peeps are
given a passport booklet as they enter the park. If peeps have their passport
booklet stamped by the required number of stations, they win a prize! You can
specify how many stations are required by clicking on a Passport Station and using the
Passport Station control panel. The ideal strategy for using Passport Stations is to place
them far apart at the far reaches of your park, giving peeps a reason to visit all areas of
your amusement park.
Real-world sponsors may now advertise in your amusement parks! Within the list of
Scenery buttons is a button for adding billboards. These billboards may be updated with
new advertisers while connected to the Internet. Income for your amusement park can be
generated by adding these billboards. You may also add your own images to billboards,
by using the “Custom Images” option.
Escaped Animal Indicator
From time to time, an animal may escape from its enclosure causing some
park guests to flee and stop spending money. Click the indicator to enter
the DartCam and right-click to toggle Sniper mode. After shooting and hitting an animal
with a tranquilizer dart, it will lay down and a crate will appear around it indicating it may
be picked up and placed in an animal enclosure.
Note: Escaped animals may not be sold
until they have been recaptured and placed in an animal enclosure.
Some of the object placement windows (such as rides, shops, and
scenery) now include selections for two added themes, Prehistoric
and Safari.
Animals and Enclosures
Several rides have been added to the various categories under
the Rides button. In addition, two buttons have been added to
the Rides menu, one for purchasing animals and another for
building animal enclosures. Animal enclosures should be built
before purchasing any animals. See the tutorials for Building
Animal Enclosures and for Performing Animal Care for more
Four scenery options have been added to the scenery buttons.
Terrain Surfaces
The Terrain Surfaces button allows you to add raised terrain in blocks, as well as
larger structures for marking the entrance to a new themed area. This allows you
to quickly add blocks of terrain to create terraced landscapes and elevated
Note: Tunnels and waterfalls may only be created using actual terrain and not
these terrain surfaces.
Speaker Objects
Loud speakers have been added to both the selection of Path Extras, and to the
selection of Scenery Items. Speaker objects can be used just like any other
scenery element, except you may also assign a sound file to the object, adjust
RCT Wild manual 9/16/05 1:01 PM Page 8
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Merk PC
Model Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Wild!
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.67 MB

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