Handleiding PC Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Wild!

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One of the most exciting new features in RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Wild! is the ability to
add animal exhibits and safaris to your amusement parks. To add an animal exhibit, you
must first build a fenced enclosure to keep the animals (and your guests!) safe.
Click on the Rides button and then click on the
Enclosures button to open the Enclosure con-
struction panel. This changes your cursor to a
ghosted 1x1 enclosure square. Click on an open
space, hold the mouse button and drag to cre-
ate an enclosure. Release the mouse button
once you’ve dragged an appropriately sized
To add to an existing enclosure, just click inside
or adjacent to it, hold the mouse button, drag to expand the area, and release.
You can select different types of enclosure fencing by selecting an enclosure fence type
in the Enclosure construction panel.
To delete an enclosure fence, click on the Trash button in the Enclosure construction
menu, hold the mouse button and drag over the part of the enclosure you want to erase.
For best results, flatten the terrain for your animal enclosures before constructing any
enclosure fences. This will allow you to add Animal Houses where both animals and ani-
mal keepers may more easily use them.
Once you’ve built an enclosure, you can add animals. To do this, click on the Rides button
and then click on the Purchase an Animal button. This displays a selection of available
Added to the terrain tools buttons is a new selection for creating waterfalls. See
“Creating Waterfalls” on page 19.
You can now tunnel coasters into any angle of terrain including vertical, rather than just
through horizontal surfaces.
The selection of stalls now includes Custom Stalls. After placing one of these shops, you
can choose the type of item which will be sold from them. For example, if you want your
Custom Stall to sell the same set of items that are normally sold at the Wild Toys shop,
just select “Wild Toys” from the drop-down list in the shop’s Sold Items window. Also
available are Custom Stalls with various types of billboards attached, which can have
custom images or real-world ads assigned to them.
You can now place scenery items, rides and shops underground by holding the Shift key
and dragging the mouse down. This is useful for adding elements to the underground
tunnels you’ve constructed
RCT Wild manual 9/16/05 1:01 PM Page 10
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Merk PC
Model Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Wild!
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.67 MB

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