Handleiding PC Scrabble Complete

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Once youve selected a skill level, click on
Repeat the above steps for each computer player
you wish to add.
After you have logged in all players (including
Maven), click on PLAY to start the game. This
will take you to the Gameplay Screen
described on page 13.
Network or Internet Play
The SCRABBLE Complete CD-ROM game can
also be played modem to modem, over a network
or via the Internet using GameSpy Arcade. To
play one of these multiplayer games, you must
first follow the steps detailed below under
Multiplayer Setup Menu.
Multiplayer Setup Menu
Network or Internet games are played using a
specific type of protocol to connect players. To
play a Network or Internet game, follow the steps
outlined below.
Log In – All players log in as previously described
on page 5.
Host/Join – Choose whether you will host a
game or join a hosted game.
Connection Type – If you are the host player,
choose the protocol you will be using (IPX,
TCP/IP and Internet, or Modem to Modem)
and click on OKAY to continue. The protocol’s
corresponding setup screen will appear.
IPX Setup
Use this protocol if all players are playing over an
IPX local area network (LAN).
Host Player
Name your session by typing in the Session
Name Box and clicking on START.
You can add a computer player by clicking on
Clicking on BACK will take you back to the
Multiplayer Setup Menu.
You can chat in the Session Lobby by clicking
in the lower chat input box. You will see a
flashing cursor.
Type your message and press the Enter key to
display the message.
Click on the arrow buttons to scroll up to see
previous chat messages.
If you would like to remove a player, click on
REMOVE PLAYER and then click on the
player you want to remove.
When all players have joined your session,
click on PLAY to start the game.
Infogrames Interactive does not monitor, control,
endorse or accept responsibility for the content of text
chat messages transmitted through the use of this prod-
uct. Use of the chat function is at your own risk. Users
are strongly encouraged not to give out personal infor-
mation through chat transmissions.
Kids, check with your parent or guardian before using
the chat function or if you are concerned about any chat
you receive.
Okay – Depending on the type of game you are
playing, this will take you to one of three places:
If playing a New Game, you will be taken to
the Player Setup Screen described below.
If playing a Network Game, you will be taken
to the Multiplayer Setup Menu described on
page 7.
If playing a SCRABBLE Mini Game, you will
be taken to the SCRABBLE Mini Games
Menu described on page 16.
Back This will take you back to the Main Menu.
Player Options This will take you to the
Player Options Menu described on page 18.
Player Setup Screen
From the Player Setup Screen, you can add or
remove players (both human and computer),
access the Game Preferences Menu, go back to the
Login Screen, or start a game of SCRABBLE
Complete with the players currently logged in.
Clicking on PLAY will take you to the Gameplay
Screen described on page 13.
The Different Ways
to Play
Solitaire Play
To play alone, do not add any additional players
(human or computer) at the Player Setup
Screen. Simply click PLAY. This will take you to
the Gameplay Screen described on page 13.
Hot Seat Play
Hot Seat Play is when all players play on the same
computer. You can play a Hot Seat game with any
combination of human and computer players. To
start a Hot Seat game, follow the steps outlined
If Playing Against Other Humans:
All players must log in as previously described
on page 5.
Click PLAY to begin the game. This will take you
to the Gameplay Screen described on page 13.
Players then alternate turns.
If Playing Against Maven (The Computer):
All human players must log in as previously
described on page 5.
To log in Maven, click on ADD COMPUTER
PLAYER from the Player Setup Screen.
Select Mavens skill level. Note: If you select
Custom, click on the up and down arrows to
scroll through all the skill levels. The Custom
skill levels range from 900 (easiest) to 2100
(most challenging).
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.51 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je PC Scrabble Complete. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met PC. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van PC Scrabble Complete in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk PC
Model Scrabble Complete
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.51 MB

Alle handleidingen voor PC Games
Meer handleidingen voor Games


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Handleiding PC Scrabble Complete

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