Handleiding PC Tiberian Sun

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The following report has been generated by EVA in accordance with a directive issued from the office of the Chief Commander of the GDI,
General James Solomon, dated January 19, 2030.
This document serves two purposes. First, to compile and assess the most recent intelligence reports, including detailed descriptions of Nod
units, structures, vehicles and personnel. Second, to evaluate GDI units, structures, vehicles and personnel versus their Nod counterparts.
All personnel reviewing this report must have security clearance level RED or greater. Violation of security procedure is a court-martial offence
and is punishable by death.
The conflict between the Global Defence Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod originated in the late twentieth century. GDI, now the most
powerful military organisation on Earth, was formed forty-five years ago by the final act the United Nations Global Defence Initiative.
Conceived as a united military force for global peacekeeping, GDI relies upon the technological sophistication of its weaponry and the superior
training and loyalties of its officers, to end violent conflict between countries across the planet.
At the same time, the Brotherhood of Nod, led by the charismatic Kane, grew to prominence. Working largely in third world countries,
wherever there was discontent, unrest, and unhappiness – there was Kane.
With the promise of a New World Order and bankrolled by the illicit Tiberium research and trade that Kane made famous the Brotherhood of
Nod began to gain power. A few scattered, disaffected units grew into an army - an army with powerful atomic weaponry, ruthless tactics and
a Tiberian fortune.
Kane was presumed dead during the final battle of Nod’s first comprehensive bid for global domination. Though Nod was effectively disbanded
and GDI claimed total victory, Kane’s body was never recovered. (In hindsight, top GDI personnel have concluded that this was a costly
oversight.) Kane’s followers continued to hold vigils believing their leader would someday return.
In the decades following his disappearance, Kane sightings became common myth, especially prevalent amongst regions of former Nod
strongholds. After a series of GDI investigations, the case was closed and the records sealed. Kane was officially declared dead – and a
disenfranchised Nod became scattered into separate factions.
Tib Sun PC manual - Eng 16/7/99 9:10 am Page 6
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Merk PC
Model Tiberian Sun
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.6 MB

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