Handleiding PC Tiberian Sun

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In the current global battle climate, GDI watches over world combat situations from the Philadelphia, an orbital command centre stationed
high above the earth.
Three major military factions increasingly affect the state of world relations:
GDI FORCES continue to fight for world order – as defined by United Nations Global Defence Initiative Directive 3115.
THE BROTHERHOOD OF NOD has broken into several distinct factions after the loss of Kane in the last Tiberium War. The various leaders of
these factions have tried to reunite the Brotherhood under their control but as of yet have been unsuccessful. The fragmented command
structure of the Brotherhood makes them unpredictable and especially dangerous.
THE FORGOTTEN, or Mutants, have begun to shift the balance of global combat. A tribal community composed of victims of extreme Tiberian
poisoning, the Forgotten are vicious warriors. Abandoned by both GDI and Nod, the Forgotten trust no one and are extremely dangerous.
In a recent communiqué, Kane himself made contact with top GDI officials. Additional testing has revealed that the message from Kane is
indeed authentic. However, the tests have revealed a minor anomaly that has been determined to be some sort of image enhancement. Make
no mistake though - Kane is back.
Days after first contact, Kane launched his initial blitzkrieg. He now appears to be operating from a concealed subterranean base with
awesome strength and unknown personnel.
Due to insufficient data, EVA is unable to determine where Nod is getting its resources, aircraft, personnel, or technology.
Across the earth, Tiberium is found mainly in the temperate, tropical and sub-tropical regions of the equator. Tiberium, for unknown reasons,
spreads much more slowly in the arid frozen poles, both North and South. Tiberium is harvested in two forms, blue and green, that can be
found in Tiberium fields and processed in a refinery.
The process by which Tiberium grows is largely unknown. It has been determined that Tiberium leeches valuable minerals from the soil,
virtually destroying the ground it comes from.
Additionally, in recent years, Tiberium vein holes have sprouted unpredictably throughout the temperate zones and have created havoc for
all that encounter them. Reports indicate the veins may be a form of mutated flora, capable of causing damage to nearby structures, units
and vehicles.
Tib Sun PC manual - Eng 16/7/99 9:10 am Page 7
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Merk PC
Model Tiberian Sun
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.6 MB

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