Handleiding Philips HB875 Zonnebank

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The sun
The sun supplies various types of energy. Visible light enables us to
see, ultraviolet (UV) light gives us a tan and the infrared (IR) light in
sunrays provides the heat in which we like to bask.
The solarium
With this solarium you can suntan comfortably at home. The
tanning lamps emit visible light, heat and ultraviolet light, giving you
the impression you are sunbathing in real sunlight. The special UV
filter only passes the radiation that is required to get a tan. The
solarium tans your body evenly from head to toe.
The tanning lamps emit sufficient infrared light to provide
comfortable warmth. Type HB 875 only: besides a tanning session,
you can take a relax session by just switching on the special
infrared lamps.
A timer ensures that each session does not last longer than 30
minutes. Just as with natural sunlight, overexposure must be
avoided (see section ‘UV, tanning and your health’ and ‘IR,
relaxation and your health’).
UV, tanning and your health
Just as with natural sunlight, the tanning process will take some
time. The first effect will only become visible after a few sessions
(see section ‘UV tanning sessions: how often and how long?’).
Overexposure to ultraviolet light (natural sunlight or artificial light
from your solarium) can cause sunburn. Besides many other
factors, such as overexposure to natural sunlight, incorrect and
excessive use of a solarium may increase the risk of skin and eye
problems. The degree to which these effects occur is determined
by the nature, intensity and duration of the radiation on the one
hand and the sensitivity of the person involved on the other hand.
The more the skin and the eyes are exposed to UV, the higher the
risk of keratitis, conjunctivitis, damage to the retina, cataract,
premature skin ageing and the development of skin tumours will
be. Some medications and cosmetics increase the sensitivity of the
It is therefore highly important
• that you follow the instructions given in the sections ‘Important’
and ‘Tanning sessions: how often and how long?’;
• that the tanning distance (distance between the UV filters and the
body) is 65 cm.;
• that you stick to the maximum permissible tanning hours a year
(= 21 hours or 1260 minutes);
• that you wear the protective goggles provided during every
tanning session.
IR, relaxation and your health (type HB 875 only)
Warmth has a relaxing effect. Think of what a hot bath or lazing in
the sunshine does to you. You can enjoy the same relaxing effect
by switching on the infrared lamps.
Bear in mind the following when you have a relax session:
• Avoid getting too hot. Increase the distance between yourself and
the lamps, if necessary.
• If your head gets too hot, cover it or move your body so that less
heat is radiated towards your head.
• Close your eyes during a relax session.
• Do not let the relax session last too long (see section ‘Relax
sessions: how often and how long?’).
The sun
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Merk Philips
Model HB875
Categorie Zonnebanken
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.9 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Philips HB875 Zonnebank

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik gebruik maken van een zonnebank als ik medicijnen slik? Geverifieerd

Als u medicijnen slikt kan het zijn dat deze onder invloed van het licht uit de zonnebank een allergische reactie veroorzaken. Raadpleeg uw bijsluiter en neem bij twijfel contact op met uw huisarts.

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Hoe vaak en hoe lang kan ik gebruik maken van een zonnebank? Geverifieerd

Het is niet aan te raden een zonnebank vaker dan 2 tot 3 keer per week te gebruiken. Per sessie kan meer dan 25 minuten leiden tot schade aan de huid. Raadpleeg voor correct gebruikt bij jouw huidtype altijd je huisarts of een specialist.

Ik vind dit nuttig (31) Lees meer
Handleiding Philips HB875 Zonnebank

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