Handleiding Sony MDR-EX510LP Koptelefoon

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Operating Instructions
Manual de instrucciones
Stereo headphones
13.5mm dynamic type driver units reproduce vocal and instrumental sound with vivid
Multiple Layer diaphragm for the driver unit prevents resonance for high-resolution
Special ABS plastic housing to prevent unnecessary vibration for smooth bass response
and clear mid-high range sound
Acoustically adjusted by hand
Newly developed stay-in design for a more secure fit
Closed type vertical in-the-ear headphones for wearing comfort
4 sizes of hybrid silicone rubber earbuds for secure fit and long-term wearing comfort
(SS, S, M, L)
3 sizes of noise isolation earbuds for effective attenuation of ambient noise (S, M, L)
Genuine leather carrying case supplied
Convenient cord adjuster supplied
How to use
Using the supplied cord adjuster (see fig. )
You can adjust the cord length by winding the cord on the cord adjuster.
(The cord can be wound to the cord adjuster up to 50 cm (19
/4 in). If you wind more,
the cord comes off from the cord adjuster easily.)
Wind the cord.
Push cord into slot hole to secure in place.
Do not wind the plug or split section of the cord, as it will strain the cord and may cause a wire break.
Wearing the headphones (see fig. )
Determine right and left headphone and hold them as in the illustration.
There is a tactile dot on the unit marked
to distinguish the left side.
Fit the headphones into your ears snugly, as in the illustration.
Adjust the headphone to fit snugly in your ear.
The stay-in design uses a thermoplastic elastomer that is pliable to fit the hollow of your
ear. If it does not stabilize, adjust its position.
Installing the earbuds correctly (see fig. )
If the earbuds do not fit your ears correctly, low-bass sound may not be heard. To enjoy
better sound quality, change the earbuds to another size or type, or adjust the earbuds
position to sit on your ears comfortably and fit your ears snugly. If the earbuds do not fit
your ears, try another size or type. Confirm the size of the earbuds by checking the color
inside (see fig.
- for hybrid silicone rubber earbuds and - for noise isolation
When you change the earbuds, install them firmly on the headphones to prevent the
earbud from detaching and remaining in your ear.
About hybrid silicone rubber earbuds (see fig. -)
Earbud sizes (inside color)
(Light blue)
To clean the hybrid silicone rubber earbuds
Remove the earbuds from the headphones, and wash them with a mild detergent
About noise isolation earbuds (see fig. -)
Supplied noise isolation earbuds provides a snug fit for effective attenuation of ambient
Earbud sizes (inside color)
(Light blue)
Prolonged use of the noise isolation earbuds may strain your ears due to their snug fit. If you have
experience discomfort or pain in your ears, discontinue use.
The pressure-relieving urethane cushion is extremely soft. Therefore, do not pinch or pull the
urethane cushion. If the urethane cushion is broken or detached from the earbuds, it will not take its
correct position and the earbuds will lose their noise isolation function.
The pressure-relieving urethane cushion may deteriorate due to long-term storage or use. If the
pressure-relieving power is lost and the urethane cushion becomes hard, the earbuds may lose their
noise isolation function.
Do not wash the noise isolation earbuds. Keep them dry, and avoid accumulation of water in the
pressure-relieving urethane-cushions. Not doing so may cause early deterioration.
To detach an earbud (see fig. -)
While holding the headphone, twist the parts inside of the earbud and pull the earbud
If the earbud slips and cannot be detached, wrap it in a dry soft cloth.
To attach an earbud (see fig. -)
Push the parts inside of the earbud into the headphone until the projecting part of the
headphone is fully covered.
Carrying the headphones (see fig. )
Place the headphones in the inner case.
Wind the cord around the side of the inner case and store the plug, and then
put the inner case in the carrying case.
Do not close the case forcibly without winding up the cord. Otherwise, the cord may break.
Caution regarding the carrying case
The carrying case is made of natural materials and its color may fade due to hair dressing or skin
oil, and could also cause stains to other materials. Also, the pattern and color of the leather may
Do not use alcohol, benzene, or thinner, as the carrying case may be damaged.
Wipe the carrying case with a dry towel if it becomes wet, otherwise it may discolor.
Do not leave the carrying case in a location subject to direct sunlight, such as in a car.
Type: Closed, dynamic
Driver unit: 13.5 mm, dome type (CCAW adopted)
Power handling capacity: 200 mW (IEC*)
Impedance: 16 Ω at 1 kHz
Sensitivity: 106 dB/mW
Frequency response: 5 – 27,000 Hz
Cord: 1.2 m (47
/4 in), OFC litz cord neck-chain
Plug: Gold-plated L-shaped stereo mini plug
Mass: Approx. 7 g with out cord
Supplied accessories
Hybrid silicone rubber earbuds (SS (2), S (2), M (2), L (2)) / Noise isolation earbuds
(S (2), M (2), L (2)) / Carrying case (1) / Cord adjuster (1) / Card warranty (1) /
Operating Instructions (1)
* IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Please keep your headphones clean at all times especially inside the rubber earbud.
(see fig. )
If any dust or ear wax is inside the earbud, you may experience some listening
Listening with headphones at high volume may affect your hearing. For traffic safety,
do not use while driving or cycling.
Handle the driver units carefully.
Do not put weight or pressure on the headphones as it may cause the headphones to
deform during long storage.
The earbuds may deteriorate due to long-term storage or use.
Install the earbuds firmly onto the headphones. If an earbud accidentally detaches and
is left in your ear, it may cause injury.
Store the earbuds where children cannot reach in order to prevent from accidental
ingestion or choking.
Note on static electricity
In particularly dry air conditions, mild tingling may be felt on your ears. This is a result
of static electricity accumulated in the body, and not a malfunction of the headphones.
The effect can be minimized by wearing clothes made from natural materials.
Optional replacement earbuds can be ordered from your nearest Sony dealer.
©2010 Sony Corporation Printed in Thailand
Tactile dot
Stay-in design
Sectional View
Colored parts
urethane cushion
Cord adjuster
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Merk Sony
Model MDR-EX510LP
Categorie Koptelefoons
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.58 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Sony MDR-EX510LP Koptelefoon

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Als ik een koptelefoon op mijn apparaat aansluit dan doet deze het niet goed, wat kan ik doen? Geverifieerd

Het is mogelijk dat er opgehoopt vuil in de opening zit waarop de koptelefoon wordt aangesloten en dat deze hierdoor slecht contact maakt. De beste manier om dit te reinigen is door middel van perslucht. Laat dit in geval van twijfel doen door een professional.

Ik vind dit nuttig (1098) Lees meer

Wanneer staat mijn muziek te hard? Geverifieerd

Geluid vanaf 80 decibel (dB) kan gehoorschade opleveren. Geluiden vanaf 120 dB levert direct gehoorschade op. Hoeveel schade hangt af van hoe vaak en hoe lang je het geluid hoort.

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Wat is Noise Cancelling? Geverifieerd

Noise Cancelling is een techniek die met name gebruikt wordt in koptelefoons. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van antigeluid om de invloed van omgevingsgeluiden te dempen of op te heffen.

Ik vind dit nuttig (575) Lees meer

Werkt bluetooth door muren en plafonds heen? Geverifieerd

Een bluetooth signaal kan door muren en plafonds heen, tenzij deze van metaal zijn. Afhankelijk van de dikte en het materiaal van de muur zal het signaal wel in sterkte afnemen.

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Tot welk geluidsniveau is het veilig voor kinderen? Geverifieerd

Kinderen kunnen sneller gehoorschade oplopen dan volwassenen. Het is daarom belangrijk kinderen nooit bloot te stellen aan geluid harder dan 85dB. In het geval van koptelefoons zijn er speciale modellen voor kinderen. Bij luidsprekers of andere situaties moet er zelf opgelet worden dat het geluid dit niveau niet overstijgt.

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Kan ik het snoer na gebruik om het apparaat heen wikkelen? Geverifieerd

Het is beter dit niet te doen omdat dit het snoer kan beschadigen. Het beste is om het snoer te wikkelen zoals het in de originele verpakking geleverd werd.

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Handleiding Sony MDR-EX510LP Koptelefoon

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