Handleiding Garmin vivosmart 3 Activity tracker

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Recording a Fitness Activity
You can record a timed activity, which can be saved and sent to
your Garmin Connect account.
Hold the touchscreen to view the menu.
Select .
Swipe to select an activity:
Select for running.
Select for walking.
Select for a cardio activity.
Select for strength training.
Select for other activity types.
Double tap the touchscreen to start the timer.
Start your activity.
Swipe to view additional data screens.
After you complete your activity, double tap the touchscreen
to stop the timer.
TIP: You can double tap the touchscreen to resume the
Swipe to select an option:
Select to save the activity.
Select to delete the activity.
Recording a Strength Training Activity
You can record sets during a strength training activity. A set is
multiple repetitions (reps) of a single move.
Hold the touchscreen to view the menu.
Select > .
Double tap the touchscreen to start the timer.
Start your first set.
The device counts your reps. Your rep count appears when
you complete at least 6 reps.
Swipe to view additional data screens (optional).
Select to finish a set.
A rest timer appears.
During a rest, select an option:
To view additional data screens, swipe the touchscreen.
To edit your rep count, select Edit Reps, select or ,
and tap the center of the touchscreen.
Select to start your next set.
Repeat steps 6 through 8 until your activity is complete.
Double tap the touchscreen to stop the timer.
Swipe to select an option:
Select to save the activity.
Select to delete the activity.
Tips for Recording Strength Training Activities
Do not look at the device while performing reps.
You should interact with the device at the beginning and end
of each set, and during rests.
Focus on your form while performing reps.
Perform bodyweight or free weight exercises.
Perform reps with a consistent, wide range of motion.
Each rep is counted when the arm wearing the device returns
to the starting position.
NOTE: Leg exercises may not be counted.
Save and send your strength training activity to your Garmin
Connect account.
You can use the tools in your Garmin Connect account to
view and edit activity details.
You can use alerts to train toward specific time, distance,
calories, and heart rate goals.
Setting a Recurring Alert
A recurring alert notifies you each time the device records a
specified value or interval. For example, you can set the device
to alert you every 100 calories. You can use your Garmin
Connect account to customize the specified values or intervals
for recurring alerts (Activity Profile Settings on Your Garmin
Connect Account, page 7).
Hold the touchscreen to view the menu.
Select , and select an activity.
Select Alerts.
Select Time, Dist, or Cal to turn on the alert.
NOTE: The Dist alert is available only for walking and
Each time you reach the alert value, a message appears and
the device vibrates.
Setting Your Heart Rate Alerts
You can set the device to alert you when your heart rate is
above or below a target zone or a custom range. For example,
you can set the device to alert you when your heart rate is
above 180 beats per minute (bpm). You can use your Garmin
Connect account to define custom zones (Activity Profile
Settings on Your Garmin Connect Account, page 7).
Hold the touchscreen to view the menu.
Select , and select an activity.
Select Alerts > HR Alert.
Select an option:
To use the range of an existing heart rate zone, select a
heart rate zone.
To use custom minimum or maximum values, select
Each time you exceed or drop below the specified range or
custom value, a message appears and the device vibrates.
Marking Laps
You can set your device to use the Auto Lap
feature, which
marks a lap automatically at every kilometer or mile. This feature
is helpful for comparing your performance over different parts of
an activity.
NOTE: The Auto Lap feature is not available for all activities.
Hold the touchscreen to view the menu.
Select , and select an activity.
Select Auto Lap to turn on the feature.
Start your activity.
Broadcasting Heart Rate Data to Garmin
You can broadcast your heart rate data from your vívosmart 3
device and view it on paired Garmin devices. For example, you
can broadcast your heart rate data to an Edge
device while
cycling, or to a VIRB action camera during an activity.
NOTE: Broadcasting heart rate data decreases battery life.
Hold the touchscreen to view the menu.
Select > > .
Training 3
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.61 MB)
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Garmin vivosmart 3 Activity tracker. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Garmin. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Garmin vivosmart 3 Activity tracker in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Garmin
Model vivosmart 3
Categorie Activity trackers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.61 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Garmin Activity trackers
Meer handleidingen voor Activity trackers

Veelgestelde vragen over Garmin vivosmart 3 Activity tracker

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Hoeveel stappen is de aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid voor volwassenen tot 65 jaar? Geverifieerd

Om genoeg te bewegen is het nodig om dagelijks ten minste 10.000 stappen te zetten. Voor mensen ouder dan 65 is dit aantal 8.000.

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Hoeveel beweging heeft een gemiddelde volwassene nodig? Geverifieerd

Als volwassene is het verstandig om in totaal minimaal 2,5 uur per week matig intensief te bewegen. Idealiter wordt dit over meerdere dagen verspreid.

Ik vind dit nuttig (16) Lees meer

Wat is de maximale hartslag tijdens inspanning? Geverifieerd

Over het algemeen kunt u een hartslag van 220 nemen en daar uw leeftijd van aftrekken. Voor een persoon van 48 jaar is de maximale hartslag dus 220 minus 48, wat gelijk is aan 172. Als u niet zeker bent van uw persoonlijke toestand, raadpleeg dan uw arts.

Ik vind dit nuttig (8) Lees meer


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Handleiding Garmin vivosmart 3 Activity tracker

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